Telephone Directory


Costilla County Administration Office: (719) 672-3372

County Government

Assessor: (719) 937-7670
Clerk & Recorder: (719) 937-7671
Treasurer: (719) 937-7672
Sheriff's Department: (719) 672-3302
Public Health: (719) 672-3332
Social Services: (719) 672-4131
Library: (719) 672-3309
Planning & Zoning: (719) 937-7668
Emergency Management: (719) 206-0893

County Shops

Fort Garland: (719) 379-3446
San Luis Shop: (719) 672-3613
Mesita Shop: (719) 672-3886


Centennial: (719) 672-3322
San Luis Headstart: (719) 672-3310
Sierra Grande: (719) 379-3257
Fort Garland Headstart: (719) 379-2639

Town Halls

San Luis Town Hall: (719) 672-3321
Blanca Town Hall: (719) 379-3461

Hotline Information

Poison Control Center: (800) 332-3073
Runaway Hotline: (800) 621-4000
Substance Abuse: (800) 662-4357

Job Service Center

Alamosa: (719) 589-5171

Local Museums

Fort Garland Museum: (719) 379-3512
San Luis Museum: (719) 672-3611


J &, J Self Storage
1005 El Tanke St.
San Luis, CO. 81152
(719) 206-0576
(719) 206-0141

State Agencies

Colorado State Patrol: (719) 589-2503
Road Conditions: (719) 589-9024
State Plumbing Inspector: (855) 454-0067
State Electric Inspector: (855) 454-0062
Colorado Division of Water Resources: (719) 589-6683
Costilla District Court: (719) 672-3681
USDA NRCS Office: (719) 672-3673
Attorney General: (303) 866-4500
Division of Wildlife: (719) 587-6900
Forest Service Office - La Jara, CO: (719) 274-5193
Colorado State Forest Service: Alamosa, CO: (719) 587-0915
DMV: (719) 589-4274

Electrical Companies

R.E.A.: (800) 332-7634
Xcel Energy: (800) 895-4999


San Luis Clinic: (719) 672-3352
La Sierra Newspaper: (719) 672-3356
Free Press: (719) 672-3964
Community Bank: (719) 672-3338
San Luis Water &, Sanitation: (719) 672-4100
Fort Garland Community Center: (719) 379-3450
Forbes Trinchera: (719) 379-3263
Fort Garland Museum: (719) 379-3512
Fort Garland Water &, Sanitation District: (719) 379-2660
Soil Conservation Service: (719) 672-3673
Costilla County Chamber of Commerce: (719) 672-3005

Post Offices

Blanca Post Office: (719) 379-3654
Chama Post Office: (719) 672-3123
San Luis Post Office: (719) 672-3968
Fort Garland Post Office: (719) 379-3481
Jaroso Post Office: (719) 672-4269


Conejos County Hospital-La Jara: (719) 274-5121
SLV Regional Medical Center-Alamosa: (719) 589-2511

Homeless Shelter

La Puente Home Shelter: (719) 589-5909

Emergency Services

Sheriff's Department: (719) 672-3302
Fire Department-Dispatch through: (719) 672-3302
Ambulance: (719) 672-3302
SLV American Red Cross (970) 440-7499
SLV Emergency Food Bank: (719) 589-4567
Public Health: (719) 672-3332